A Tale of Two Bulls

  The prices of SPY (S&P 500) starting in March of 2003 and of 2009 have tracked each other surprisingly well over a 6 year period.   The current market has managed higher highs each year, but then that advantage has evaporated by the Christmas holidays. This year the market has already achieved the higher highs part of the pattern—and for the first time since this …

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How Does VXX Work?

Update 17-December-2022 Effective 26 September 2022, Barclays resumed share creations on VXX. This closed out a grim period, starting on 14-Mar-2022 when Barclays suspended share creations of VXX due to an administrative screw-up. Since the suspension, VXX has traded at premiums as high as 52% over its IV price. This premium over the IV price can develop because share creations are a key process required …

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VIX Futures—Crystal Ball or Insurance Policy?

Many people seem to believe that the CBOE’s VIX Futures market is attempting to predict upcoming CBOE VIX® values.  I think they are mistaken.  Most futures prices have very little to do with predicting the future. Futures contracts were invented to allow producers/consumer of commodities to limit their business risk by locking in future prices.  In exchange for eliminating price risk, they give up the potential for increased …

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How Meaningful are VIX’s Big Percentage Moves?

Occasionally there are eye-popping percentage moves in the CBOE’s VIX® index—these moves generate a lot of headlines .  As an antidote to the hype a few savvy VIX followers noted:  “Remember that $VIX is already a percentage.”   Jared Woodward from Condor Options “The $VIX was up 2.08% today, NOT 18.5%”  Mark Sebastian from Option Pit . I have to admit that my brain spun a bit on Jared’s percent of a percent …

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When You Think Your Exchange Traded Fund is Broken…

Frequently I see people complaining that their Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or Exchange Traded Note (ETN) is broken. Occasionally they’re right, but most of the time they’re not.  Before complaining, here are some things to look at: Are you looking at the right index? All Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) track an index, which is identified in their prospectus, and in the fund’s fact sheet.   Don’t …

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