Dividend Capture Strategies

In trying to capture dividends there is no free lunch. In fact, since Wall street is involved, the best you can hope for is an affordable lunch. I have looked at, and tried quite a few approaches—most of which don’t work, but I have found one approach that does work with some ETFs. Ironically you don’t actually collect the dividend most of the time, but …

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2023 Ex-dividend and Pay date information for AGZ, CFT, CIU, EMB, GBF, GVI, MBB, MUB, NYF, SUB, MUAE, MUAG

The 2023 Ex-Dividend and Pay Date  information below is based on Ishares distribution schedule. MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION — BlackRock, Bloomberg Barclays, iBoxx, JPMorgan 2023 Ex-Dividend Dates 1-Feb 1-Mar 3-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 3-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 2-Oct 1-Nov 1-Dec 14-Dec Pay / Distribution Dates 7-Feb 7-Mar 7-Apr 5-May 7-Jun 10-Jul 7-Aug 8-Sep 6-Oct 7-Nov 7-Dec 20-Dec AGZ      iShares Barclays Agency Bond Fund (AGZ) CFT     …

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Dividend History

  Links to a few selected pre-generated reports are shown below: DIA dividend history DVY dividend history IWM dividend history JNK dividend history LQD dividend history SPY dividend history TIP dividend history XLP dividend history XLU dividend history If you need dividend history on a non iShare / SPDR fund or stock then I recommend the DividendInvestor site.    

SPY dividend capture strategies that don’t work…

Some SPY dividend capture strategies I don’t recommend: 1. Sell SPY short right before closing the day before ex-dividend Rationale:  Securities tend to drop by about the dividend amount when trading begins (pre-open trading) Problem:   The buyer that bought the stock from you deserves the dividend and the loaner that loaned you the stock you sold (probably unknowingly), deserves the dividend too.  Two dividends, one …

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