2023 Ex-div & Paydate: DVY, IDU, IHE, IHF, IHI, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYG, IYH, IYK, IYM, IYR, IYT, IYZ, IEZ and Others

2023 Ex-Dividend Dates for:  DSI, DVY, IAI, IAK, IAT, IDU, IEO, IEX, IHE, IHF, IHI, ITA, ITB, IYC, IYE, IYF, IYG, IYH, IYK, IYM, IYR, IYT, IYW, IYJ, IYY, IYZ, KLD The 2023 Ex-Dividend and Pay Date  information below is based on iShares distribution schedule. Dow Jones Domestic and MSCI Funds 2023 Ex-Dividend Dates Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 23-Mar 7-Jun 26-Sept 20-Dec 28-Dec Pay / …

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Dividend capture strategies—three approaches to skip

The dividend capture approaches that I describe below do work some of the time.  My experience is that they expose the investor to excessive risk relative to the payoff–or they don’t pay off often enough. Buy and hold dividend paying stocks If you love the stock, this is a fine strategy, but then it really isn’t a dividend capture strategy.  The dividend is just a …

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