Google Finance Symbol for the CBOE’s VIX®

It’s not easy to find.  I tried and failed for several years to find it.   Finally “Rock Man” found it and commented on this post—the Google Finance ticker symbol is INDEXCBOE:VIX  Most of the CBOE’s other VIX related tickers are also available on Google Finance: VXV, VXO, VXD, VXAPL, VXEEM, VXEWZ, VXIBM, VXXLE, VXN, VIN, VIF—all prefixed by  “INDEXCBOE:”.  The volatility of volatility index …

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My Schwab Christmas 2011 wish list

Update:  Schwab has added weekly and quarterly option support to all of their trading platforms.  See here for more information. Schwab has provided a peek under the tree for the account holders they think have been good: Stocking stuffers (not available until January): A 35% discount for TurboTax.  In your Schwab account online look for “Tools and Calculators” under “Guidance”, then look for “File with …

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Taking CVOL for a ride

I’ve been watching Citigroup’s new CVOL volatility ETN (a souped up competitor to Barclays’ VXX)  since it started trading November 15th.  Tracking its actual performance has been difficult because it is very lightly traded.  Charts for example are useless.  Normally I use Yahoo’s Finance historical quotes feature as a very convenient way to get open /high / low / close data that I can export …

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How to short VXX—the hard way and the easy way

Easy way: If you want to short VXX the simplest way is to buy Volatility Share’s SVIX.  This Exchange Traded Funds tracks -1X  the daily percentage moves of VXX so it isn’t a true short, but it has the same goal—going up when VXX goes down.  They carry annual investment fees (SVXY’s is 1.35%), which I doubt is an issue for you if you’re thinking …

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