Major bear insurance for a XIV position

I have been loading up heavily in XIV during this correction.   I certainly haven’t been bored, watching big gains one day go away the next, but the contango associated with VXX is currently structural—so as long as that situation continues XIV, which is short contango, will be a long term winner. If this correction turns out to be more than the minor setbacks we’ve …

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A glitchy week for the VIX

Last week didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in the CBOE’s Volatility index:  VIX A 0.6% SPX dip, gone two hours later triggers a 3.75% step up in the VIX that didn’t go away At the Thursday morning opening VIX glitches down 0.6 points and then jumps 1.3 points VIX  glitches down a point Friday morning for 15 minutes, and then recovers to within 0.03 …

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Backtesting data for volatility ETN and ETF products

If you want to backtest various volatility products like VXX, VXZ, XIV, CVOL, IVOP  (see volatility tickers for my complete list) I offer a set of spreadsheets that give the underlying rolling index values from March 2004.  See this post for details. Bloomberg offers charts that go back 5 years for the related indexes.   My thanks to “~” from Volatility Futures and Options for …

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Quarterly Update Service

This service provides quarterly email updates of selected spreadsheets that you have purchased from Six Figure Investing.  The updates will be sent out around the second week of January, April, July, and October.  The spreadsheets will be updated to at least the last trading day of the previous quarter, any splits / reverse splits will be accounted for, and any unusual events (e.g., unscheduled market …

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