Sometimes Inverse / Leveraged Volatility Funds Outperform Their Leverage Factors

From August 2nd  to October 3rd, 2011 Barclays’ S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures ETN (VXX) had a great 137% runup.  In that same period ProShares’ UVXY, 2X leveraged Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) went up an astonishing 348%,  73 percent more than its 2X leverage factor would project.   How is that possible?  Don’t inverse and leveraged funds always underperform the index they’re tracking? Normal market …

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2023 Ex-div & Paydate: SLYG, SLYV, SPYG, DGT, SLY, SDY, VLU, and others

The 2023 Ex-Dividend and Pay Date information below is based on data from SPDR referenced in this post. 2023 Ex-Dividend Dates Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 20-March 20-June 18-September 18-December 28-December (potential capital gains) Pay / Distribution Dates 23-March 23-June 21-September 21-December 3-January-2024 (potential capital gains) In alphabetical order: DGT SPDR Global Dow ETF (DGT) KBE SPDR S&P Bank ETF (KBE) KCE SPDR S&P Capital Markets …

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Needed—A Way to Flash Proof Your Stop Limit Orders

I’ve never liked stop loss orders.  I’ve seen too many people get blown out of their positions by short term price fluctuations.   A glitch October 24th,  at ATT’s opening shows the typical pattern. I think we need improved stop lost orders to help retail investors avoid being stopped out during events like these—often at the worst possible prices. In the past most gaps were triggered by …

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Volatility Funds as a Business—How’s it Going?

Nearly four years ago Barclays introduced VXX, the first volatility Exchange Traded Product (ETP).  Since that time 5 other companies in addition to Barclays have entered the volatility business.  All together they have introduced 35 volatility funds. It hasn’t been pretty.   Of those 35 funds, 15 have been discontinued/terminated and almost half of the remaining 19 are either below critical mass with less than $10 million in …

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