DIA Dividend Capture Using XVZ as a Hedge

DIA goes ex-dividend next Friday the 17th.   The dividend history on this ETF  (see below) suggests that the dividend will be around $0.30 per share.   I put a dividend capture position in place buying DIA at 128.68 and selling-to-open the 18-Feb S127 calls for 2.09 for a net debit of 126.59. The calls only provide a 1.5% downside cushion on the position, so …

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When Will This Bull Run Be Over? Using the VIX / VXV Ratio as an Indicator…

If you can remember market action for more than two months, you’re probably not wondering: “Is Market Volatility Gone for Good?”  However you probably are wondering when this sustained upswing will be over.   I’m keeping a close eye on things because I’ve had a run-up in my VelocityShares XIV holdings that I’d rather not lose to a correction. The last few months have felt like …

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Trading ETFs Without Getting Fleeced

There are over 2800 ETFs right now, with more in registration. This explosion of alternatives is great for driving down fees and giving investors choices.  However once we figure out what we want to buy, we often discover the fund we chose is lightly traded—perhaps only hundreds of shares are traded on any given day. With a lightly traded fund, the bid/ask spread is usually …

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A Covered Call That’s Long Volatility

Covered calls are an example of  positions that are short volatility.  I hadn’t thought of it that way until Sheldon Natenburg, the author of Option Volatility & Pricing  pointed that out in a fascinating interview in Expiring Monthly. A covered call position is profitable if the underlying equity stays the same or goes up, but in a big market downswing, when volatility spikes up,  the modest …

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The Beginning of the End for Mutual Funds

The vibe of the IndexUniverse’s InsideETFs Conference in Hollywood Florida I attended in 2012 was one that I have felt before—a group that knows they’re changing the very structure of their industry.  It’s not just about being new, creative, or disruptive—it’s the sense of knowing you have won. The mutual fund industry is still almost 10 times the size of ETFs/ETNs with $7.9 trillion in assets vs …

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