Barclays’ XVZ—A Long Volatility Fund That Won’t Fade to Zero

Almost everyone that invests would love to have a cost-effective way to insure against market declines.   Securities that allow you to go long on volatility are attractive because they tend to go up when the market goes down,  but none of them, when sized to really protect an investment are affordable in a “set and forget” sort of way. The first generation volatility ETNs …

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XIV during the 2008 Crash

XIV has only existed since November 2010, so we are dependent on simulations for guesses on its performance before that.   The index that XIV is based on goes back into the 2005 time frame, so I have the data I need to backtest XIV for the 2008 crash.    My simulations show a close  match to actual XIV values (see this post) so I have …

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XIV recovery time in bull markets

With its 52% decline since July7th, XIV has shown again this is not an investment for weak stomachs. How long might it be before XIV surpasses its recent (and all time high) of 19.43? I looked at the last three significant corrections in the market—the Flash Crash, the Fukushima Crash, and the recent Cap Flash.  As the starting point I used the recent high of …

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Is XIV behaving correctly?

In spite of its name, XIV is not the inverse of the VIX index—it is the daily percentage inverse of an index called SPVXSP, which you can monitor on Bloomberg here.  This index very closely tracks the same index that VXX uses, SPVXSTR. Last week XIV did not track VXX’s daily moves particularly well.   There has been a lot of speculation about what was causing …

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Betting on contango

This morning I put a credit spread in place, selling  August VIX $15S calls and buying $47.5S calls for a net credit of $18.2.   The underlying for these calls is the August volatility futures—not the VIX itself.  The effective price of the underlying for these options was about $34 at the time.    The VIX was around 42. Normally the shortest term volatility futures are cheaper …

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