Recovery from the Tech Crash v.s. the Great Recession

Since November 2009 I have been tracking the sometimes eerie day to day correspondence between the current value of SPY and its value 6 years ago.    In 2011 the market moved up strongly in the first half, a performance considerably stronger than its counterpart 6 years ago.  No double dip, no “square root.”   This has been a powerful bull market. . .. . .. . …

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XIV termination

UPDATE Credit Suisse terminated XIV due to a greater than 80% drop in its indicative value on 5-Feb-2018.  The final payout was $5.99 per share.  The last day of trading was the 15th of February 2018. In the prospectuses for  XIV, there are some disconcerting discussions about termination events. For XIV the termination event is triggered if the daily percentage drop exceeds 80%. I did …

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VIX Term Structure

Anyone that follows volatility closely knows that short term views on volatility are much more dynamic than longer term. For example, if the market is moving from a dip into a “V” style recovery the CBOE’s 9 day expectation of volatility VXST, will drop much more than the 30 day VIX. A chart showing volatility expectations vs time is called a volatility term structure.  The …

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Latest version of Schwab’s StreetSmart Edge

Schwab has released version of StreetSmart Edge for download on their website.  You can tell your current version by looking for the “current build” note in the upper right hand corner of the display.   Be sure to save your layouts before you update, because when you update you lose your current customization and have to restore them.   Schwab doesn’t publish what defects …

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2023 Vanguard Ex-Dividend and Distribution Dates: BND, BSV, VGLT, BIV, VCSH

Apparently, Vanguard likes to keep their ETF ex-dividend and distribution dates a secret until just a couple of days before the event.  It has that old mutual fund feel to it—”we’ll give you a quote after-market and allow you to buy or sell our stuff at the end of the day, otherwise go away…” As a result, the dates below are just guesses, based on …

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