Eleven Things You Should Know About AccuShares’ VIX Up and VIX Down Funds

Update VXUP and VXDN were terminated on September 8th, 2016.  They never accumulated enough assets to be financially viable.   The naysayers on these funds were right—there was no way these funds could perform the way their prospectus or marketing materials suggested.  They didn’t understand (and didn’t bother to learn once it was pointed out) how their funds would be arbitraged against VIX futures in such …

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Are we at the bottom yet?

After several sell-off days with low volume, the buyers seem to be coming back.  I bought SPY at 105.22, sold 27-Aug 106 calls at 0.58. Breakeven is 104.64. Maximum profit is $1.36 per share. Livevol shows the 27-Aug 106 IV’s at 28 and the 18-Sept monthly IV for the 106 calls at 24.  Right now, Livevol’s IV numbers are the only ones I believe for …

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