Betting on fear to fade

Bought VIX June  puts at 4.6,  the VIX index was around 31 at the time.   Barring another bear market I think we will see the VIX pull back from the recent spikes. For related posts see: How to go long on the VIX index How to go short on the VIX index

Options symbols transition completed

This last weekend the option symbol transition coordinated by The Options Clearing Corporation completed, with the last set of symbols, starting with underlying symbols of  S through Z, switched over to the new system.   In almost all cases the 3 to 5  letter underlying symbol now works as the option identifier.    I think the new system is a real improvement.   I wish …

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Fear vs Fear — 2009 / 2010 wins

When updating the chart below, where the price and normalized volume of SPY from 2003/2004 intertwines with the SPY of 2009/2010, I noticed one area of consistent difference between the two time spans—volatility.   Using the VIX index as a proxy for actual volatility, the ’09 / ’10 values have averaged about 40% higher than the ’03 / ’04 bull market.   On the slight …

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Lots of premium available on SPY options

There is a lot of premium available on SPY options that will expire at the end of next week due to the recent market gyrations.   I created a covered call, buying SPY at 117.26, selling-to-open May 117 calls at 1.69 for a net investment of 115.57.   The Theta (time decay) on these options is $8 per day.

Doubling up on Oil, betting on VIX dropping

Did covered calls on Oil — bought USO at 37.19, sold-to-open May 37 calls at 1.02 for a net investment of 36.18. Created a bear spread on VIX options today.   Betting on VIX going down is forecasting that the market in general will be flat or positive.  I sold-to-open June VIX 16 calls at 10.26, bought  June  VIX 32.5 calls at 1.88 for a …

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