The Cost of Contango—It’s Not the Daily Roll

It’s well known that long volatility Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) like VXX, UVXY, and UVIX often experience devastating losses during market quiet spells—even when the value of the VIX is staying relatively stable.  These heavy losses occur when the VIX futures that underlie these funds are in a price/time arrangement called contango. The chart below shows an example of VIX futures in a contango configuration.


The blue dots show the prices of various futures and the horizontal scale indicates the month of expiration.  The horizontal green line shows the current VIX price— also known as the “spot” price.  You can’t tell it from the chart, but in this example, the leftmost future has 4 days until expiration.  At expiration, a VIX future’s value will be very close to the VIX spot price.

When futures are in contango the longer the future has until expiration the higher its price.

If you were to take a time-lapse video of this chart over time with a stable VIX you would see the blue dots moving down the blue line, eventually intersecting with the green VIX line at expiration.

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How Does ProShares’ SVXY Work?

Just about anyone who’s looked at a multi-year chart for a long volatility fund like Barclays’ VXX has thought about taking the other side of the trade. ProShares’ SVXY is an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that allows you to bet against funds like VXX while avoiding some of the issues associated with a direct short. This post will discuss SVXY‘s inner workings, including how it …

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Backtests for VelocityShares’ BSWN, LSVX, and XIVH Exchange Traded Notes

I have generated simulated end-of-day close indicative share values (4:15 PM ET) for VelocityShares’ BSWN, LSVX, and XIVH Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) from March 31st, 2004 through July 14th, 2016.

  • BSWN VelocityShares VIX Tail Risk ETN
  • LSVX  VelocityShares VIX Variable Long/Short ETN
  • XIVH    VelocityShares VIX Short Volatility Hedged ETN

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How Do VelocityShares’ BSWN, LSVX, & XIVH Work?

Update:   In June 0f 2018 UBS delisted these funds.  The funds performed pretty much as expected but never gained enough assets to be profitable for UBS. The indexes that power VelocityShares new BSWN, LSVX, and XIVH funds have been live since 2011, but they haven’t been directly accessible via exchange traded products until July 2016.  The goals of these new funds are pretty straightforward, on the …

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High Sigma Events—They’re Not All Black Swans

After every crash or major geopolitical event that roils the market we are exposed to graphics like this one containing sigma numbers: The message associated with these charts is usually, “We should be very worried because the events that just occurred were really unlikely.” The reader, on the other hand, should be thinking: the person that wrote this really doesn’t understand statistics or Black Swans. …

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