SPY Ex Dividend Dates

For the next SPY ex-dividend date and estimated dividend go here. SPDR’s 19-Mar-2010 dividend update reportsSPY’s March 2010 dividend as $0.48  (I had estimated $0.52).  The pay date will be 30-April-2010.   The ex-dividend date is today, 19-March-2010.

Buy and hold v.s. market timing

The last few weeks have been painful for me–being on the sidelines while the market stages an impressive rally.   I don’t expect to call things right all the time, and there are worse things that just not making money for a month, but it’s not fun missing the call. In the typical buy and hold portfolio things have a different feel.   No position …

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SPY dividend capture strategies that don’t work…

Some SPY dividend capture strategies I don’t recommend: 1. Sell SPY short right before closing the day before ex-dividend Rationale:  Securities tend to drop by about the dividend amount when trading begins (pre-open trading) Problem:   The buyer that bought the stock from you deserves the dividend and the loaner that loaned you the stock you sold (probably unknowingly), deserves the dividend too.  Two dividends, one …

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SPY Dividend History

SPY, said by some to be the most liquid single security in the world,  goes ex-dividend four times a year.  See this post for the next ex-dividend date and an estimate of the dividend amount.   You must buy SPY at least by the end of market on Thursday, the day before ex-dividend, to be eligible for the dividend. Below is SPY’s  dividend history over the last …

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Dividend capture strategies—three approaches to skip

The dividend capture approaches that I describe below do work some of the time.  My experience is that they expose the investor to excessive risk relative to the payoff–or they don’t pay off often enough. Buy and hold dividend paying stocks If you love the stock, this is a fine strategy, but then it really isn’t a dividend capture strategy.  The dividend is just a …

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