Computing Volatility Indexes With VIX Futures

Using the Cboe’s VIX futures historic data and interpolations/extrapolations for contracts that were not traded I developed a continuous time series for 7 months of VIX futures settlement values.   I then used that data, plus treasury bill data to compute the indexes that underly the popular long and short volatility Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) in the USA. This product includes two spreadsheets, one that …

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10 Questions about Mid-Term Volatility

Why is mid or medium-term volatility defined as being 4 to 7 months out? In January 2009 Barclays introduced VXZ, the first medium-term volatility Exchange Traded Product (ETP).  Its tracking index (SPVXMP) relies on 4 to 7-month VIX futures.  I suspect that range was selected because historically (2004 through 2008) the term structure on the 4th through 7th-month VIX futures was relatively flat but still tracked …

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The Volatility Watcher’s Toolkit

The CBOE’s VIX index gets mainstream exposure as the “fear index”, but there’s a lot more to volatility watching than the VIX.   The VIX does a good job of measuring the current level of anxiety in the market, but it has some problems.  Among other things it’s: Not a good predictor of the future Often does not move in the direction people expect (opposite the …

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USA Volatility Funds Categorized and Ranked

It’s been over 10 years since VXX, the first volatility exchange-traded product arrived on the market.  Since then 36 additional funds, using both Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) structures have been introduced.  Terminations and closures have whittled that list down to 17 (as of 23-May-2019). The remaining funds can be segmented into four major categories: VIX Trackers Hybrid Strategies Inverse Volatility …

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How Much Should We Expect the VIX to Move?

Every couple of months it seems like there’s an uptick in articles about the CBOE’s VIX Index being broken or manipulated.   Generally I expect the percentage moves in the VIX to be around a factor of 4 in the opposite direction of SPX (S&P 500).  But there are significant eccentricities in the VIX that I factor in, for example Fridays tend to be down days, …

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