Trading the CBOE’s SPX AM and PM settled Options

If you need options on the S&P 500 the CBOE’s SPX series is one of the most popular solutions in the marketplace.  The CBOE continues to enhance this product with additional expirations—the latest being the addition of options expiring on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the spring of 2022.  These products were immediately successful.  With all the days of the week covered it will interesting …

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Can Volatility ETFs & VIX Futures Blow-up the Stock Market?

The VIX Futures market has been on a bit of a tear—driven by inflows into volatility ETFs like Barclays’ VXX, VelocityShares’ XIV and TVIX, and ProShares’ UVXY.   The chart below shows the resultant growth in the short term futures open interest and volume. The data doesn’t look as dramatic if we change the vertical axis to a logarithmic scale—a scale that makes it easier to …

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Historical Backtest on VQT

I have backtested Barclays’ VQT ETN back to when VIX volatility futures first started to trade in March 2004.  I have made two versions of the spreadsheet available for purchase below.  One with results data only and the other version with formulas and required indexes included.  I have included the simulated daily closing values including the 0.95% annual fee from March 29, 2004, until June …

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Options on 1.5X and 0.5X Inverse Volatility

If things weren’t derivative enough for you before, you can add one more level of indirection to your volatility investments. Options are available on ProShares‘ 1.5X VIX short-term UVXY and their -0.5X inverse short-term SVXY.   These options are similar to VXX’s options; they are American exercise style and expire on the same day as equity options.  VIX options are European exercise and expire on the same …

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So What if Volatility ETN/ETFs are Growing—Where are the Problems?

It’s clear that the volatility ETN/ETFs have begun to dominate the VIX Futures market.  What isn’t clear is whether it matters.  Volatility isn’t a commodity like gold or corn that is physically limited, so future position limits don’t seem applicable.  When the price of  VIX futures is attractive, more can be created—and appropriate hedges put in place.  But are these hedges distorting the overall market? …

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