A Volatility Spike Barclays’ XVZ Would Have Missed

February 27, 2007, currently holds the biggest daily percentage jump record in the VIX index’s history (the VIX didn’t come out until after the 1987 crash).  The VIX jumped from a 11.15 close the previous day to 18.31 —a 59% jump. Normally I would expect a volatility strategy fund like XVZ or, VQTto perform very well during a volatility spike of this magnitude.  None of these …

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A Covered Call That’s Long Volatility

Covered calls are an example of  positions that are short volatility.  I hadn’t thought of it that way until Sheldon Natenburg, the author of Option Volatility & Pricing  pointed that out in a fascinating interview in Expiring Monthly. A covered call position is profitable if the underlying equity stays the same or goes up, but in a big market downswing, when volatility spikes up,  the modest …

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The VIXs of Christmas Past

One of the persistent characteristics of the CBOE‘s VIX® index is the Christmas Effect—the tendency for VIX to drop down to relatively low levels during the Christmas holidays.  The CBOE’s VIX volatility December futures predict this drop for months in advance, and it has come to pass again this year.   I am aware of at least three possible explanations for this: Option market makers and others …

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Historical Volatility Rolling Indexes: 2004 — 2014

If your interests are related to the simulation / backtest of volatility exchange-traded products like VXX and XIV, then you should review the products I have listed here.   While the indexes discussed in this post can be used to compute the prices of the volatility ETPs it is not an entirely straightforward process. I have generated both the Excess Return (ER) and Total Returns …

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ProShares’ SVXY and UVXY

ProShares was the first  Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) provider for volatility based funds.  The previous volatility entries from Barclays (e.g., VXX & VXZ) were all Exchange Traded Notes (ETN).  Click on the underlined ETF / ETN for discussions on how these types of securities work.  Proshares has done well and currently has the most assets in the volatility ETP space. UVXY (1.5X long) and SVXY ( …

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