Schwab joins the CBOE Weeklys crowd

With no fanfare whatsoever Schwab has added support for weekly and quarterly options on all of their current trading platforms:, StreetSmart Pro, and I thought we would have to wait for the new StreetSmart Edge.   See this link for CBOE’s currently offered weekly options. At least on StreetSmart Pro the option greeks on the non-standard options appear to be computed correctly.  Instead …

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Schwab’s StreetSmart Edge™

Update: Please see here for more recent information. A few observations: The package is designed for multiple monitors.  Each layout can be on a different screen The colored “link” symbol in the upper right synchronizes tools to the same ticker.  If you want multiple charts on the same layout for different tickers you should select different link symbols for each one. You can save layouts to the …

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Three weeks of CVOL—a wild ride

Redirected   Citigroup’s new volatility ETN, CVOL has only been trading since November 15th, but it is starting to show some intriguing results.   Designed as a 2X leveraged volatility offering, in a class of products that are already known for volatility, we can expect a wild ride.  So far it has lived up to its billing with a high of around 110, and a …

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