Computing the leverage of CVOL compared to the VIX index

Any strategy that hopes to offset down days in the market with volatility products that go up on those same days needs to figure out how much leverage the volatility product provides.   A little calculation produced the equation below for computing the expected price of Citigroup’s CVOL from the VIX index quote: (VIX – 10) * 9.6 = CVOL So if the VIX jumps …

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Will CVOL become the next VXX?

When Barclays ‘ VXX ETN first came out early last year I was pretty excited.   Having an direct investment in a volatility product that didn’t have the time decay (theta) of VIX options was attractive.   However, it turns out that price erosion on VXX is a huge issue—anyone that holds on for the long term becomes a loser.    In spite of this, …

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Three weeks of CVOL—a wild ride

Redirected   Citigroup’s new volatility ETN, CVOL has only been trading since November 15th, but it is starting to show some intriguing results.   Designed as a 2X leveraged volatility offering, in a class of products that are already known for volatility, we can expect a wild ride.  So far it has lived up to its billing with a high of around 110, and a …

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Google Finance Symbol for the CBOE’s VIX®

It’s not easy to find.  I tried and failed for several years to find it.   Finally “Rock Man” found it and commented on this post—the Google Finance ticker symbol is INDEXCBOE:VIX  Most of the CBOE’s other VIX related tickers are also available on Google Finance: VXV, VXO, VXD, VXAPL, VXEEM, VXEWZ, VXIBM, VXXLE, VXN, VIN, VIF—all prefixed by  “INDEXCBOE:”.  The volatility of volatility index …

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