CVOL—the Other Volatility Kid on the Block

UPDATE CVOL was shutdown by UBS in May of 2016.  It never achieved enough assets for it to be a viable competitor     CVOL’s  stated goal is to “produce returns that are correlated to the CBOE Volatility Index (the “VIX Index”). ”   So far no one has figured out a way to offer a direct investment in the VIX Index, so volatility traders must …

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One of these correlations is going to fail

Since November 2009 I have been commenting on the eerie day to day correlation between the market (specifically SPY)  of 2003/2004 and 2009/2010.    These charts continue to track with November 16th’s closing value of SPY (118.16) differing only 0.28 points from SPY’s closing (117.88) on November 16th, 2004—six years ago.       Recently I noticed another correction with the past—the market rally beginning in …

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Monthly ETF Dividend Amounts

Tickers covered:  AGG, BIL, SCJ, HYG, IEF, INY, JNK, LAG, LQD, MUB, PFF, TIP, TLT For dividend history data and charts from 2005 on click here. You can use the search window within the post (upper right) to search for a specific ticker, or increase the number of entries to show in the upper right box to 25 in order to see all the symbols. …

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And then there were 35

This week CBOE expanded their selection of  weekly options from 31 to 35.   The symbols added this week (expiring November 5th) are:  IBM PCLN RIMM SLV.   All these except PCLN ( Inc.) have previously been on the list at some point.   For more on the CBOE’s weekly options see here,  or see my guest post in the August issue of the online …

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XXV: Dancing the contango—without getting mugged

Update  redirected to I do not recommend XXV.  At its current price of around $30/share  it does not deliver the sort of performance you would expect an inverse volatility security to deliver.   This security can go no higher than $40 per share and can only get there slowly.  See this post for more information.   If you want to be short volatility use XIV …

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