Where is the 2010 top trendline?

UPDATE — redirected to blog On the chart below you can see that using the slope of the 2004 SPY trendlines anchored on the February 2010 market bottom gave a 2010 bottom trendline that nicely predicted the bottom (or at least a pause) in the recent correction. The big question now is the top trendline.    Of course there is nothing to say that 2004 …

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SPY dividend capture–June 2010

I bought SPY at 111.64, and sold-to-open SPY 108 June-30 expiration calls at 4.08 for a net investment (debit) of  107.58.     I used the quarterly SPY options because I could go considerably deeper in the money with the calls and still get a premium that is close to the likely SPY dividend for this quarter  (around $0.50).   Schwab does not appear to …

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Last leg of the correction? Time to break the 2010 trendline?

Although recent intra-day lows have crossed the 2010 trendline in the graph below I hallucinated in February we haven’t had a SPY closing yet that has crossed that line (104.87  for  9-June-2010).   My crystal ball has been notably hazy recently, but I’m still thinking this is a correction and not the beginning of a bear market. I continue to be bearish on the prospects …

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