2023 Ex-Dividend Dates for:  IGE, IGV, IGM, IGN, IJH, IJJ, IJK, IJR, IJS, IJT, ITOT, IVE, IVV, IVW, OEF, SOXX The Ex-Dividend and Pay Date information below is based on Ishares distribution schedule. iShares® Exchange Traded Funds – S&P Domestic, S&P North American and PHLX Funds 2023 Ex-Dividend Dates Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 23-Mar 7-Jun 26-Sep 20-Dec 28-Dec (potential cap gains) Pay / Distribution Dates …

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How ETFs work

This article in etf.com does a very nice job of explaining how ETFs manage to track their net asset value (NAV). It is a two-tiered market.  Ordinary investors buy and sell on the exchanges.  If the value of an ETF (for example SPY), wanders too far off from the price of the underlying stocks (the S&P 500 in this case) then the 2nd tier of …

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February SPY close-out

I closed out my SPY Feb 111 buy-write position a little early today.  It would have probably closed in the money, but I didn’t like the way the market was behaving for a position that was only a few tenths in the money.   Sold SPY at 111.23 and bought back the calls at .36 for a net credit of 110.87.  Overall profit was 2.44 …

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DIA Dividend Capture–close out

My DIA dividend capture position was assigned last night as expected, for a net profit of $0.27 per share.  Since my DIA position was called before the dividend was distributed I won’t actually get the dividend (which I am estimating to be $0.25), but my net profit is slightly more with considerably less risk than just buying DIA and holding to ex-dividend.   The image …

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2004 Redux–into a negative trend line?

I’m continuing with the hypothesis that there are a lot of similarities to the 2003/2004 market that might help  predict the future action of the market.   Clearly volatility is higher now than the 2003/2004 period, and the transition from upward trend line to a sideways market has been scarier–but these are scary times.  Looking back at 2004, the market went into a slightly declining …

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