DIA dividend history
Ex-dividend and pay / distribution information for DIA is here. If you would like the dividend history for another security, see this post.
Ex-dividend and pay / distribution information for DIA is here. If you would like the dividend history for another security, see this post.
Links to a few selected pre-generated reports are shown below: DIA dividend history DVY dividend history IWM dividend history JNK dividend history LQD dividend history SPY dividend history TIP dividend history XLP dividend history XLU dividend history If you need dividend history on a non iShare / SPDR fund or stock then I recommend the DividendInvestor site.
The 2019 Ex-Dividend and Pay Date information below is based on SPDR’s distribution schedule.
My DIA dividend capture position was assigned last night as expected, for a net profit of $0.27 per share. Since my DIA position was called before the dividend was distributed I won’t actually get the dividend (which I am estimating to be $0.25), but my net profit is slightly more with considerably less risk than just buying DIA and holding to ex-dividend. The image …
Bought DIA at 101.17, sold-to-open Feb 99 calls at 2.44 — both with market orders, for a net debit of 98.73. Pretty frustrating morning– tried to do buy-writes first thing today with a net debit amount, but I never got a fill, even though I was splitting the ask/bid price or slightly more generous on the options (97 calls at that point). I don’t …