Monthly ETF Dividend Amounts

Tickers covered:  AGG, BIL, SCJ, HYG, IEF, INY, JNK, LAG, LQD, MUB, PFF, TIP, TLT For dividend history data and charts from 2005 on click here. You can use the search window within the post (upper right) to search for a specific ticker, or increase the number of entries to show in the upper right box to 25 in order to see all the symbols. …

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Next 2024 SPY, VOO, IVV Ex-Dividend Dates and Estimated Dividends

SPY’s second-quarter dividend will be a $1.759 per share. SPY’s Q2 ex-dividend date is Friday, June 21st, 2024.  SPY’s next distribution payout will be on July 31st, 2024—yes the SPDR folks take their time delivering the dividend. iShares’ IVV, one of the other two big S&P 500 ETFs, has already gone ex-dividend for Q2, with a dividend of $1.611 per share. I’m estimating Vanguard’s VOO …

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