Are we reliving 2004? Daily level correlation with SPY…

Last November I posted regarding the interesting correlation (at the day of the month level) between SPY prices in 2003 and 2009. I updated that analysis with the last 44 days of data and things still line up surprisingly well.   Six years later to the day, the SPY closing values are just slightly over  a percent from  each other (112.93 vs 114.19).  The normalized …

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2004 Redux?

The 12 year chart below shows some interesting correlations between the beginnings of the 2003–20007 bull market and now. In fact the months and SPY values lines up almost exactly. The 2003 bull started in March, and in January 2004 was trading at the 113/114 level (vertical black line) that we are at now. Not that history has to repeat itself, but I think the …

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Next 2024 SPY, VOO, IVV Ex-Dividend Dates and Estimated Dividends

SPY’s second-quarter dividend will be a $1.759 per share. SPY’s Q2 ex-dividend date is Friday, June 21st, 2024.  SPY’s next distribution payout will be on July 31st, 2024—yes the SPDR folks take their time delivering the dividend. iShares’ IVV, one of the other two big S&P 500 ETFs, has already gone ex-dividend for Q2, with a dividend of $1.611 per share. I’m estimating Vanguard’s VOO …

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